This office follows the guidelines of the American Dental Association and recommends that FULL MOUTH XRAYS (FMX) BE TAKEN ONCE EVERY 3 TO 5 YEARS and BITEWING XRAYS every year for caries active patients and 1-2 years for routine cases. The patient's dental history determines the range.

*Current X-rays will be necessary before any diagnosis can be finalized. NO TEETH WILL BE EXTRACTED without a current PA (periapical X-ray showing the root, surrounding bone, and soft tissue) or panorex film. No fillings will be placed without current bite-wings and/or PAs of the tooth. NO EXCEPTIONS.

*Children and Adults: If any decay or dental infection (abscess) is obvious on visual inspection, x-rays will be necessary to assess the extent of damage to the tooth structure. If your child is uncooperative, you will be referred to a pediatric dentist for treatment. Bite-wings and panoramic x-rays are recommended for school-age children 6 yrs and up.

*Pregnant women: XRAYS WILL BE AVOIDED UNLESS IT IS AN EMERGENCY. Please inform this at once if you think you are pregnant, and X-rays will be postponed.

XRAYS are used to diagnose

1) extent of bone loss associated with PERIODONTAL DISEASE.

2) interproximal caries--decay in between the teeth.

3) pathology of pulp.

4) integrity of root canal fillings.

5) verify tooth or root structure.

6) impacted teeth.

7) pathologic root resorption.

8) third molar location, 3rd position

9) bone pathology

10) need for interceptive orthopedic/orthodontic treatment

11) what is normal for you.

All doctors within O'Shea Dentistry reserve the right to dismiss a patient based on refusal of radiographs. The patient will be required to sign a Liability Waiver. The waiver will be placed in the patient's file.