
Simple / Surgical / 3rd Molars

What is a Dental Extraction?

Tooth extraction is a general dental surgery involving removing one or more teeth from the socket. In some cases, teeth become very loose due to bone loss, abscessed, damaged by decay, or cracked beyond repair; in these cases, they could require to be extracted.

Below, we will discuss the definition, facts, and other information about dental extraction. We will also discuss and explain what to expect during the surgery at your appointment.

Simple Extractions

Simple extraction is performed on the teeth that can be clearly seen in your mouth. These are the common types of extractions. Your dentist will loosen the tooth with an elevator instrument during the procedure. They will then use an instrument called forceps to remove it. See video

Most simple extractions can be performed with a simple local anesthetic injection.

Surgical Extractions

Surgical extraction is a more complicated type of teeth removal. This is usually performed when the tooth has broken off the gum line or hasn’t come out yet. If a tooth has severe decay, it will often require surgical extraction. Oral surgeons often perform surgical removals, but general dentists can also perform them. The doctor will make a small incision to the gum. Sometimes, removing the bone around it or cutting it in half may be required to pull the tooth. In some cases, a bone graft will be necessary. See video

But sometimes, for a surgical extraction, you may need to take certain drugs that can help you relax. You will be given a local anesthetic for a surgical extraction, and you can opt for conscious sedation. Conscious sedation combines a prescribed sedative and nitrous oxide sometimes referred to as “twilight sleep.” During the procedure, pressure can be expected, but not pain. If there is pain, you should tell your doctor.

3rd Molar Extractions

Simple Extraction

Surgical Extraction

3rd Molar Extractions / Wisdom Teeth